Mountain West Martial Arts Mobile Web Application

Simplify the process   //   Increase retention   //   Incentivize goal achievement
High fidelity iPhone 15 design mockups displaying the Sign Up and Thank You pages of Mountain West Martial Arts.

The project in ~100 words

During my initial user research and interviews, I discovered that many users who research martial arts gyms experience some level of difficulty and/or frustration during the sign up process.

Based on user responses (gathered from user interviews and usability tests), this is because they either cannot find the relevant information they need to make an informed decision, or they do not feel comfortable signing up and committing to attending in person classes until they see what it looks like inside the gym first.

My main goals were to simplify the Sign Up process, get feedback from users, and redesign the user interface to further enhance accessibility and practicality.


Mountain West Martial Arts


February 2022 - October 2023


UX Designer, Researcher, and Developer

Pain points involving cost, accessibility, value + trust

Users consistently reported pain points in four main areas. They are: cost, accessibility, value, and trust.

In terms of cost, users expressed that they wanted to see some level of price transparency (without having to talk with someone at the gym).

Users also felt that most martial arts gyms’ websites had clunky navigation and lacked important information.

Payment icon
During interviews, users expressed the need for some level of price transparency.
Accessibility icon
Users also stated that most martial art gym websites feature clunky navigation and lack important information.
Medal icon
“What can I expect to get out of a class from MWMA?”, was a common sentiment among users.
Shield symbol with a check mark
At least half of interview participants asked,“How do I know the instructors know what they’re talking about?”.

How I addressed user pain points

In order to address each of the four main pain points users provided, I used a variety of methods to assist in solving their problems including: user research, user interviews, wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing.

User persona for Tonya Shields
I also created user personas with accompanying user journey maps to better empathize with their dilemma.
Initially, I conducted a series of 5 user interviews (over the phone) to see where users were getting stuck and what needs weren’t getting addressed.

Using sketches + low-fi wireframes as the launch pad

Pencil icon

Quick iterations

When I started the design process, I began sketching wireframes on paper. I was able to get quite a few different iterations to use as a starting point for the design process.

Webpage wireframe icon

Digital wireframes

Next, I began transferring paper wireframes to a digital format in Figma. Once I felt that the basic layout was dialed in, I began the prototyping process.

Prototype icon with a phone and node connection

Low-fi prototype

At this point, I had a low fidelity digital prototype that I used for moderated usability testing.

Paper wireframes of the Mountain West Martial Arts mobile web application homepage

Methodology used to refine the prototypes

Then, I began planning and conducting a Usability Study. First, I created a 6 part study outline to use as a research guide. After the study outline was complete, I recruited 5 participants for my Usability Study and conducted moderated usability tests.

Now, I had valuable data from real people that I needed to organize and synthesize. I used Affinity Mapping to distill the information and create actionable insights.

Mountain West Martial Arts affinity diagram in Miro.

Insight alchemy (data is gold)

Using the actionable insights gleaned from the usability testing, I went back to the low fidelity prototype and began making updates.

After I made the necessary changes to improve the user flow, I began refining the user interface design. This process involved making quite a few changes that were all based on improving the user flow while ensuring brand consistency.

(Before second round of usability testing) Sign Up page for the Unlimited class option.
Updated high fidelity digital Android design mockup of the MWMA Sign Up page.
(After second round of usability testing) Sign Up page for the Unlimited class option.
High fidelity digital Android design mockup of the MWMA Scheduling page.
(Before second round of usability testing) Calendar scheduling feature.
Updated high fidelity digital Android design mockup of the MWMA Scheduling page.
(After second round of usability testing) Calendar scheduling feature.
High fidelity digital prototype nodes and screen connections from a topographical view.

High-fidelity prototype usability testing

The high fidelity prototype was ready for more testing. For the second round of testing, I decided to conduct unmoderated usability tests.

First, I created a System Usability Scale. Then, I used testing software to recruit participants and record both their actions and responses.

Once again, I utilized affinity mapping to organize and synthesize the new data. It was time to make a few minor improvements to the high fidelity prototype.

Knowing when the design is done

The designs answered questions like:

"Are participants or users able to interact with and interpret the designs without external guidance?”
“Is there an escape hatch for users if something goes wrong?”
“Is the design accessible?”
Gif displaying the Scheduling functionality of the high fidelity Mountain West Martial Arts prototype.
Interacting with the digital hi-fi prototype to find and confirm a class time. (Gif)
View the Prototype (Figma)

Post project reflection

Upon completion of the entire UX design process, I was able to go back and reflect on what I’ve learned, compare early iterations to the final product, and prepare the designs for development. 

It’s nice to see how each step in the design process leads to a well-refined and accessible design, but it’s even more rewarding to know that users will value and enjoy the final product.

Iterating after the live launch

When the Mountain West Martial Arts web application has been developed, I will continue to monitor performance data and make adjustments as needed. Products are rarely perfect when they’re released to production and this web app is no exception

After all, design is an iterative process that involves constant refinement in order to remain adaptable and relevant.

Thank you for taking the time to read my case study for Mountain West Martial Arts! If you want to get ahold of me, or work together - let's talk!
Woman holding a smartphone that is displaying the FAQs page of the Mountain West Martial Arts mobile web app. (The image is being viewed from her perspective.)